Yokosuka E14Y1 Type 0 ("Glen")

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This small seaplane was the only Japanese aircraft to bomb United States territory during WWII. In 1942 a Yokosuka E14Y1 was launched from a submarine I-25 off the west coast of the United States. The aircraft reached Oregon and dropped four 167-pound phosphorus bombs in the middle of a forest. The distinctive feature of the E14Y was that it could be carried, partially assembled, inside a watertight container aboard a submarine. The Allied code name of this plane was "Glen". This small monoplane, with a wood and fabric skin, was widely used by the Japanese for reconnaissance flights over bases in Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and the Aleutians.

Yokosuka E14Y1 Type 0

Type:           Sub-Borne Reconnaissance Seaplane 
Service: 	Japanese Navy Air Force (JNAF)
Crew:           pilot and observer
Armament:       one flexible rear-firing 7.7mm Type 92 machine gun
		two 132 lb (60 kg) bombs 
Reference: 	Francillon: 453, Mondey: 

        Length:         28' 0.25" (8.54 m)
        Height:         12' 5.6" (3.8 m)
        Wingspan:       36' 1" (11 m)
        Wing area:      204.514 sq. ft (119 sq. m)
        Empty Weight:   2469 lbs (1119 kg)
        Loaded Weight:  3197 lbs (1450 kg)
        Max Weight:     3527 lbs (1600 kg)

        No. of Engines: 1
        Powerplant:     Hitachi Tempu 12 9-cylinder radial
        Horsepower:     340 hp 

        Range:          476 naut miles (548 st miles)
        Cruise Speed:   104 mph (90 kt)
        Max Speed:      153 mph  at 16405 ft (133 kt at 5000 m)
        Climb to/in:    9845 ft (3000 m) in 10 min 11 sec
        Ceiling:        17780 ft (5420 m)
Production:		approximately 126 E14Ys total

Additional information on this aircraft can be found at Wikipedia HERE.

For a very nice scale color drawing of this aircraft, see

Additional color schemes for this aircraft can be found here.

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