daylight at the junction of the Sepic and Yellow Rivers in the interior of New Guinea and only fifty miles from the major Japanese airfield at Wewak.

Lieutenant Commander KLAUBER’s next duty was flying transports (R4D) from Brisbane to Milne Bay and Port Moresby. One of his assignments during this period was flying supplies for the Amphibious Forces during the Finschafen and Lae drives.

The Australian tour came to an end in January 1944 when Lieutenant Commander KAUBER returned to the United States for reassignment and one of his infrequent visits with his wife and four children at their home in Beaumont, California. Shortly thereafter, he was chosen to be Executive Officer of Patrol Bombing Squadron SEVENTY-ONE and during the period of reforming and training, devoted himself wholeheartedly to the work of whipping it into a finished combat unit.




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