Welcome to Glenn Illustrators

The phone number for GLENN ILLUSTRATORS has been updated, and they are taking orders again. Find the prints that you like, and follow the directions on the "Purchase Prints" page to order the ones that you want.  Thank you!

About the company

Glenn Illustrators is a Missouri-based company that offers quality aviation art at extremely affordable prices. The art prints on this website are available directly from Glenn Illustrators, usually for only $10 each!  This is the best deal you can find anywhere for good aviation art.

The original artwork

The original paintings from which the prints were made were created in the 1970s by a team that included Glenn Bavousett as coordinator and W.T. "Tony" Wedell as the color artist.  Thirty-six paintings were originally done, based upon the WWII aircraft existing in the collection of the  Confederate Air Force. These paintings were historically accurate scenes based upon carefully researched episodes of actual combat that centered around the particular aircraft portrayed. The first series of 36 paintings was known as "The Valiant Clan" series.

Two more series (of twelve paintings each) were done for the representative WWII aircraft of the British and German air forces (known as "Battlers Courageous" and "Eagles in the Sky", respectively), with another series of twelve being a mixed bag of aircraft from various nations (known as the "Moments of Glory" series). A final series of twelve paintings of WWII Japanese aircraft (known as the "Winged Samurai" series) was begun, but not completed before the project ended.

Thirty of original paintings are still on display (the last I heard) at the Champlin Fighter Museum in Mesa, Arizona, home of the American Fighter Aces Association. Two now-out-of-print books by Glenn Bavousett contained color plates of the entire series of the first 72 paintings. They can be found through Amazon.com under the titles "World War II Aircraft in Combat" and "More World War II Aircraft in Combat".

About the prints

Out of the 76 original paintings, about 40 were made into open-edition prints. Many of these are proudly displayed in several aviation musuems across the United States.  Of the 40 original prints, 35 are still available for purchase from Glenn Illustrators. These prints are high quality full size color prints, with some available on acid-free stock. The sheet size is 19x23 inches, with the actual image size as 16x20 inches. The colors are beautiful, though the digital scans that you will find on this website don't do them justice. The resolution and color balance of the scans are not great, but they will give you an idea of the print's subject matter. You will not be disappointed by the quality of the actual print. They are the perfect gifts for anyone interested in aviation or history, and their low cost makes it reasonable to collect all of your favorites or even the entire series!  Please see the section "Purchase prints" to start building your own Valiant Clan collection.

Dealer Inquiries welcome!

If you have any questions about the prints themselves or an order that you have placed, contact Wade Barnett at Glenn Illustrators (contact information can be found HERE). If you have comments about the website itself (but NOT the prints or your order), email the webmaster.

Thank you for visiting!


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