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Here are just a few of the websites with related subject matter that might be helpful:

Mayan Ruins links:
Mayan World information
The Mayan Ruins of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize & Honduras
Maya Ruins.com - a photographic tour of selected sites
Virtual Palenque - a tour using QuickTimeVR panoramas
Belize - The Mayan Ruins
The Copan Ruins homepage
Mayan Culture Pages - links
Mayan Ruins and Unexplainted Acoustics

Travel links:
The website of the famous travel guides: The Lonely Planet
(Use the Central America section of their "Thorn Tree" message board to get your specific travel questions answered.)
Tips for independent travelers: 1000 Travel Tips
The Mayan Traveler

Mexico links:
Si-Mexico Hotel And Resort Travel Guide
Mexico Travel Services Directory

Guatemala links:
Planet Earth Home Page's Links to Guatemala
Escape Artist links for Travel, Tourism and Resorts in Guatemala
Guatemala Web - links and info for the visitor to Guatemala
Guatemala Mayan links and other information

Honduras links:
Tourism In Honduras

Products and Services links:
click to visit the Mayan Majix website

Here are some other websites that I've done:

my website about my 1999 trip to the pyramids and ancient sites in Egypt

my webpage on my 1999 trip to see Aztec, Toltec, and Teotihuacan ruins in Mexico

my website on my 2001 trip to Inca sites in South America, plus Easter Island

By the way, here is a complete list of my websites, which include six WWII
aviation websites and two other unrelated websites.

Email me HERE