
The words of Dr. Cabrera


A visit with Dr. Cabrera


(this material is an excerpt from the book "The Message of the Stones", by Dr. Javier Cabrera)



By means of chlorophyll (the substance that gives leaves their green color); plants convert solar energy into electrical/chemical energy. This energy permits the leaf to transform simple inorganic matter (voter, carbon dioxide, ammonia, etc.), into complex, organic matter (sugar, fats, proteins, etc.). Plants use some of these organic substances and store the rest. This capacity to transform inorganic into organic matter is also characteristic of a few species of animals. Most animals and man, who lack this capacity, depend on plants to survive. The leaf, then, is the fundamental element of life.

Life is energy, and in man energy takes several forms: caloric energy (production of heat), mechanical energy (movement), electrochemical energy (organic functions), electric energy (in electrolytic fluids), and cognitive energy (will, feelings, thought). Except for the pacemaker, used to reestablish cardiac rhythm by electronic stimulation from a battery, and with the further exception of the utilization of solar energy to effect skin-level metabolic changes, man has not been able to adapt his organism to use energy that does not come from food. This holds true for both solar and cosmic energy, the latter is much more powerful than the former.

In my observation and analysis of the symbols contained in the 11,000 gliptoliths in my collection, I have found the most important symbol to be the leaf. In conjunction with the figure of a man, animal, or object, the leaf can signify human life or a given form of energy with which the leaf is associated. Shown in conjunction with the figure of a man, it generally means cognitive energy, that is, that capacity to reason, and if two human figures are involved, or one human figure and an animal, it means that one is endowing the other with this capacity to think and reason. Pictured next to the feet of a bird which is itself a symbol of a machine used for flight, the leaf means that the aircraft is carrying human life. Next to the beak of a bird, the leaf means that the aircraft not only carries men, but that the man or men on board carry within themselves the means to fuel the machine.

The leaf symbol used by gliptolithic humanity to show different types of energy can be explained by the fact that, unlike modern man, this people not only understood chlorophyll to be the basic element of life, but also knew how to adapt the process of utilization of chlorophyll to the human organism, so that men could capture and assimilate solar and cosmic energy directly, as plants do, without having to consume food. This in turn explains how men could be capable of producing fuel for air and space craft, they captured this fuel directly from the cosmos.


As will be seen in Chapter Six, in which human life on other planets is discussed, the gliptolithic world was created by men from outer space. Through the transplantation of cognitive codes to highly intelligent primates, the men from outer space created new men on earth. Based on information contained in a gliptolith dealing with this type of transplant, and based also on present day experiments on animals, I conclude that cognitive codes were molecular compounds of nucleic acids and proteins, which formed the physical basis for knowledge (on the transplantation of cognitive codes, see Chapter Seven). To judge by the figure of a primate which is repeated in many gliptoliths, I think that the primate in whom the cognitive ability was transplanted was the notharctus, which according to paleontologists became extinct about 50 million years ago (see Chart 4).

Chart 4: Human Evolution

Million of years ago the notharctus hunted in the forests in search of insects and fruits. His name means "false bear", because when notharctus fossils ware first found, they were thought to be of a small bear. This primate had a long tail which could probably be wrapped around a branch, like a monkey. He had a thin, fox-like face, with large tail and prehensil toes on his four feet. He was similar to the modem lemur, a small tree-dwelling primate. The notharctus is the oldest known ancestor of the monkey and lemur family. Compared to other contemporary prehistoric animals, it is likely that the notharctus was very intelligent, since his brain size in relation to his body was quite considerable. Paleontologists tell us that he measured about one meter in length, half of which was his tail, but it seems logical that the notharctus from which men from outer space created other men must have been much larger and more highly evolved, in terms of brain size. All of the men created from the notharctus fell somewhere on a scale from greater to lesser cognitive ability (see Chapter Six). Those at the top of the scale belong to the level I have called "Reflective Scientific Man".  The only ones above this level are the men from outer space, that is to say, the true gliptolithic men, a name used only by extension to designate the men created by them.  Nonetheless, based on a reading and interpretation of a Paracas cloth, I conclude that the men from outer space raised up to their cognitive level a few reflective scientific men, via genetic modification of the somatic code of these men; on other wards, via alteration at the  molecular level of the embriogenetic system, which is responsible for the formation of human organs (on this point see Chapter Seven). More precisely, this alteration, combined with the transplant of cognitive codes, raised the notharctus to the level of a simple humanoid (the lowest level in the scale of human beings that was created). Gliptolithic humanity had mastered science and technology to the extent of finding the means by which intellectual capability could actually be expanded. They knew that this capacity was a form of energy - cognitive energy - which, when slowly increased, could lead men toward a knowledge of the universe and toward the ability to put to use all the other forms of energy. To achieve these ends, it was necessary not merely to adapt one's organism to the physical environment, but to the cognitive function. For this reason, unlike modern man, for whom happiness and the aim in life is material well-being, gliptolithic man's aim was the development of intellectual power (cognitive energy) to increase and preserve knowledge. If occasionally we today experience the ecstasy (through love, poetry, art, science) of elevated and profound emotion or thought, gliptolithic men experienced this ecstasy on a permanent and constant basis through the development of his intellectual capacity and the increase in his knowledge.

     Gliptolithic humanity knew the centrally important function performed by the leaf; they knew that this function was the basis of life, and that life, for man, took the form of different kinds of energy. Since cognitive energy was for the gliptolithic man the most important of these, he took the leaf as the symbol to represent cognitive energy in his engraved stones. Thus reflective scientific man (the highest level in .the cognitive hierarchy) is depicted in the engravings with a grouping of symbols over his head in which the leaf is most prominent. In other words, what would appear at first glance to be an ornament made of leaves and worn on the head is nothing of the kind.

     If we look at the human form in Figure 21, we see this grouping of symbolic elements drawn above the head. At the top of this grouping are pictured two semi-leaves (1 in Fig. 21), the symbol of an unknown mechanism which stimulated the brain in order to increase its cognitive function and also to convert solar (photonic) energy and cosmic (corpuscular) energy directly into electronic energy, so that it could be used to power tools and machines. I theorize that this unknown mechanism functioned much like the also-unknown mechanism of the chlorophyll molecule. Under the semi-leaves is a second configuration in the form of a band that ends in two points (2 in Fig. 21); this symbolizes that this man possessed an elevated cognitive range that placed him above most others. His range is that of a reflective scientific man, which means that he can perform all intellectual functions. (As we will see below, modification of one or more elements in this second configuration could show which intellectual activity the man performed). The third configuration, a cone shape with the tip pointing backwards (3 in Fig. 21), indicates that this man has an enormous store of knowledge which he can use, through his powerful intellectual capacity, to generate new information. Put another way, this stored knowledge, which can be manipulated by the analytical mind, acts as a sort of programmed computer data bank. The section filled with rhomboids that this figure wears like trousers (4 in Fig. 21) is also a symbol; rhomboids are the symbol form animal life and in this case mean that the organism of this man functions like that of an animal, despite the fact that he does not need food to create energy, since he draws energy directly from the sun and the cosmos. However, to judge by the information contained in other gliptoliths, it would appear that this capacity to capture energy directly was used only occasionally, since other gliptoliths depict in detail the production of food. Finally, associated with this human figure is one other symbol: two parallel lines at each ankle (5 in Fig. 21). This signifies the capacity for movement, that is to say, movements natural to a human being. We can also see in Fig. 21 the symbol for a group of men, which is a branch with many leaves attached. If the branch has roots it means that the group of men has established itself in a certain place. If it is topped by a flower, it means that the efforts of this group have met with success.

FIGURE  21: Symbolic representation of gliptolithic man. The representation is of reflective scientific man.
Reproduction of a drawing engraved on an Ica stone.

Modern man has idealized the figure of the athlete. We see this not only today, but in historical documents and in archeological finds. Human sculptures like those of the Greeks the discus-thrower of Miron, and practices such as those followed by the Spartans, who left infants who were not well-formed to die, reveal that modern man has always upheld the athletic ideal. The athletic figure requires long, strong legs for maximum stability and speed; it also requires a large lung capacity (and so a large chest) so the body can receive enough oxygen to perform strenuous functions. These functions can only be performed with strong arms and hands with a thumb placed in opposition to the other fingers - the hands of modern man have some claw-like features. The athletic figure, to be perfect from the mechanical point of view, needs a head that is not out of proportion to the body, that will not imbalance the body. For this reason the cranium cannot hold a larger brain. The human figure which is depicted in the gliptoliths is, of course, only a symbolic representation, but I think it likely that the figures bear a resemblance to the true physicality of gliptolithic man. It can be seen in Figure 21 that the figure is not athletic. There is a disproportion between the size of the head, the torso, and the extremities. The head is huge, the abdomen even larger, the upper extremities are long and have fingers all of the same length, with no thumb as we know it, which shows that these men did not perform mechanical functions. The lower extremities are strong and short. Since gliptolithic man had as a goal the development of the capacity to increase and preserve knowledge, his physical functions had to adapt themselves to the constant exercise of the cognitive function. It follows that this man should have a large head, and that his arms and fingers, not needed for the performance of mechanical tasks, were weak and ill-suited for such tasks. Short, strong legs and a large abdomen balance the large head. Thus this symbolic representation of the human body reinforces what we infer from other gliptoliths: that is, that the existence of gliptolithic man was geared to intellectual growth.

     The men who arrived from outer space - the authentic gliptolithic men - are represented in the engraved stones as the reflective scientific man. The other levels of the hierarchy (as will be seen in Chapter Six) are distinguished graphically by certain symbols which reveal different gradations of intellectual capacity and knowledge.