
The words of Dr. Cabrera


A visit with Dr. Cabrera


(this material is an excerpt from the book "The Message of the Stones", by Dr. Javier Cabrera)



     I have chosen one gliptolithic messages in order to introduce the reader to the study and interpretation of gliptolithic symbolism. This is a message that tells us about a ranch for dinosaurs.

     The Engraved Stones of Ica, or gliptoliths, which deal with this theme are very numerous and form a series. I have 150 specimens in this series, and I know that other specimens are to be found in the collections of private individuals. Here I will use only three specimens, which seems a sufficient number for my purposes.

     One of these gliptoliths is almost spherical, yellowish in color, and approximately sixty centimeters in diameter. Except for the part of the stone face that serves as the base, there is no part of the surface that has not been carved in has relief. On one of the faces we can see a dinosaur of the species stegasaurus, holding in its mouth a leaf; in this case the leaf is the symbol of biological energy, which means that the dinosaur is feeding (Fig. 22A). The branch that appears below the dinosaur (6 in Fig. 22A) represents tree; I think that it means the ceiba, a plant which according to paleontologists abounded in the Mesozoic era, the era during which dinosaurs existed. The presence of this branch in the engraving means that this was the favorite food of the reptiles and the figure of the dinosaur next to the branch suggests that the animal is found near an immense plantation devoted to the cultivation of this plant. To the left and above the dinosaur there is a human figure (1 in Fig. 22A) in the process of observing the dinosaur from above, using an optical instrument (7 in Fig. 22A). The human figure has a short, pointed weapon in one hand, which suggests that he is watching the dinosaur with the intent to shoot it. This human figure is ensconced in an aircraft whose rear part has an extension (5 in Fig. 22A) on which is superimposed a grouping of symbols which I will explain later. The front part of the aircraft contains the leaf (9 in Fig. 22A), symbol in this case of energy captured to fuel the vehicle. I infer that this energy cones from the sun and was obtained through a special method based on the principle that the leaf employs to convert solar photons (radiation) into electrons (electricity). This principle of conversion of photons to electrons is used today to power spy satellites which man has placed in orbit to monitor the earth. The unclear symbols on the head of the human reveal that he is not a reflective scientific man, but a man whose cognitive capacity is of a lower order. The parallel lines over the head signify that this is a man prepared for a specific task of a technological nature, as we will see when we discuss the types of men, grouped by cognitive ability, who lived during the gliptolithic age (See Chapter Six).

FIGURE 22-A: Stegasaurus grazing in a plantation of ceiba trees. From an aircraft above, a man watches
it, about to paralyze it so as to kill it and use its seat. Gliptolithic man domesticated these animals.

The other face of the gliptolith (Fig. 22B) contains a scene which is the continuation of the former scene. Emerging from the aircraft is a long, undulating design one end of which touches the snout of the dinosaur (4 in Fig. 22B). Note that this design has straight, parallel lines at its end nearest the aircraft, as opposed to the undulating lines nearest the dinosaur. I believe this means that the aircraft has gassed the dinosaur to paralyze it; the straight parallel lines mean that the gas leaves the aircraft under high pressure, as if shot, and the undulating parallel lines mean that as it reaches its target it begins to disperse. Note also the middle part of the design that represents the gas: it contains stair-step designs, pairs of vertical lines, and small circles. These are the same signs that appear in the rear extension of the aircraft (5 in Fig. 22A). This similarity suggests that the gas has been emitted from this part of the aircraft. It may also be observed that the man holding the weapon, who in the earlier scene merely watched the dinosaur, has now emerged from the aircraft and is standing on the tail of the dinosaur, though he is still tied to the aircraft by means of a type of cable (8 in Fig. 22B). The man is injecting the dinosaur, using his weapon. It is well known that the stegasaurus was a huge animal, but that its brain was by proportion quite small. It is also known that the spinal medula of the stegasaurus had at the top of the hip a ganglia twenty times larger than the brain, which was the sort of movement and control center of the lower part of the body. It is probable that the small brain of the stegasaurus did not suffice to control the animal's huge body. Given this information, I infer that the gas served to paralyze the front half of the dinosaur and that the injection was placed in the pelvic ganglia to complete the paralysis of the animal. Another human figure watches this process through binoculars from the aircraft (2 in Fig. 22B).


FIGURE 22-B: A gas paralyzes the front half of the dinosaur, while an injection to the pelvic ganglia paralyzes the rest of the body.

     It is easy to see that we do not deal here with a crude hunt of this animal. To judge by the symbol that permitted me to discover that the dinosaur was in or near an immense plantation which grew his favorite food (the ceiba), I infer that this gliptolith is showing that men set aside special areas to feed and raise dinosaurs, much as we today devote whole farms to the cultivation of pasturage for cattle. This, and the knowledge we already possess of the stegasaurus physiology and what would have been necessary to capture this huge, fierce reptile, tell use that the scenes depicted in the gliptolith show the technical means and the planning used to utilize this ranch.

     The notion that the brain of the stegasaurus was so snail that it did not have the capacity to control the animal's entire body in reinforced in another gliptolith from the same series (Fig. 23). This is a dark-colored gliptolith about one meter in diameter in which the designs - unlike those of the previous gliptolith - are grooved incisions and not has relief. In it we see a man (16 in Fig. 23) standing on the tail of the stegasaurus and applying the injection in the pelvic ganglia (13 in Fig. 23), which means that he has just finished paralyzing the lower half of the body, but the dinosaur's front half is unaffected, and continued to eat, as the symbol of biological energy - three leaves - indicates (14 in Fig. 23). The sensitivity of the front half of the animal is expressed symbolically by a series of criss-crossed lines (12 in Fig. 23). The presence of an aircraft (11 in Fig. 23), from which another human figure observes the process (10 in Fig. 23), using a telescope (15 in Fig. 23) make it clear that this is another scene showing the capture of a dinosaur, in which the procedure for .paralyzing the front half of the animal is not shown.

FIGURE 23: That the brain of the dinosaur was so small that it could only control the movement and nervous system of the front half of the body, while control of the lower half of the body was left to the pelvic ganglia, is shown in this stone in which it can be seen that the injection in the pelvic ganglia does not affect the front half of the animal, because the dinosaur continues eating, quite unaware.

     One of the faces of a third gliptolith from the sane series completes the above scene (Fig. 24A). This gliptolith is approximately 1.10 meters in diameter, gray in color, and etched with grooved incisions. We can see a man (2 in Fig. 24A) injecting the dinosaur in the pelvic ganglia (7 in Fig. 24A), thus paralyzing the lower half of the animal. Over the spine of the dinosaur we see another man (1 in Fig. 24A) who, using an axe-shaped weapon, empties something into the mouth of the animal (8 in Fig. 24A). To judge by the symbols over their heads, both men have greater thought capacity than the men in the previous gliptoliths; they are reflective scientific men.

FIGURE 24A: Paralysis of the lower half of the dinosaur via pelvic ganglia injection and paralysis of the upper half via electric shock.

     If we recall that the two semi-leaves that the figure of gliptolithic man has on his head are the symbol of an unknown system by which solar (photonic) energy and cosmic (corpuscular) energy is captured and converted into electronic energy, it can be inferred that what one of these man is emptying into the mouth of the dinosaur must be an electric current, the purpose of which is to paralyze the front half of the body. Along with the use of paralyzing gas, the use of electric current is another means developed by gliptolithic man to capture dinosaurs. The axe shaped tool in this gliptolith is the symbol for a sophisticated instrument used to cause a powerful electric shock.

     The other face of the same gliptolith completes the previous scene (Fig. 24B). We see a reflective scientific man in the act of killing the dinosaur, after having totally paralyzed it (3 in Fig. 24B). We know the animal is unconscious because of the lines that project from the eye like a light-beam. This symbol is absent in the previous scene.

FIGURE 24-B: A man is about to kill a dinosaur, after having paralyzed it. We also see a young dinosaur.

     In another part of the gliptolith we see a young dinosaur (6 in Fig. 24B), which carries a man on its back (4 in Fig. 24B). The symbol above this man's head is the same as that on the heads of the man in the first two gliptoliths discussed here; that is, the symbol showing that this is a man of less cognitive ability than the reflective scientific man, and the parallel lines in the grouping of symbols over his head show that he is suited for specific, technological tasks. The leaf that the man holds in his hand (9 in Fig. 24B) over the head of the young dinosaur means that the animal still requires biological energy to complete its physical development, for which reason he is not yet an object of capture.

     These gliptoliths clearly reveal that gliptolithic man did not fear dinosaurs. Modern humanity, all the while denying the possibility of the coexistence of man and dinosaur, has nonetheless amused himself by trying to imagine what such a coexistence would have been like. In the process, he has concocted the image of a terrified man pitted against a powerful beast, simply because he cannot rid himself of the erroneous assumption that a people older than ourselves must necessarily have been more primitive, incapable of devising a means to neutralize and overcome a dinosaur much stronger than mere man. But these gliptoliths not only demonstrate the coexistence of man and the dinosaur, but also show that man, instead of quivering with fear in the presence of the dinosaur, knew how to use the knowledge he had of the physiology of the dinosaur and his advanced technology to dominate these animals and even put them to use as an abundant natural source of protein.