
The words of Dr. Cabrera


A visit with Dr. Cabrera


(this material is an excerpt from the book "The Message of the Stones", by Dr. Javier Cabrera)




    In many of the engraved stones or gliptoliths in my possession and in other examples that I have been able to see in private collections, it is observed that the gliptolithic humility has left testimony of a vast and deep knowledge of medical science. The information that is revealed through the figures and symbols in the engravings deals with different aspects of this science, not the least of which is surgery. I have in my possession series of engravings stones that attest to the fact that the gliptolithic humanity was able to solve problems in this area that still baffle our present culture. Groups of gliptoliths that constitute series reveal information about techniques used to anesthetize, about difficult and abnormal births, about organ transplants (cerebral hemispheres, heart, spleen, liver, kidney and stomach), about facial surgery, etc.

    Given this vast information about medicine, and especially about gliptolithic medicine, the study of which would require extensive treatment, I will limit myself in this book to showing what the gliptolithic humanity shows us about anaesthetizing techniques, about the transplant of cerebral hemispheres and the heart, and about the menstrual cycle of the woman. The information revealed as to this latter subject is not contained in stone engravings but rather on a golden "turn" inlayed with precious stones. Objects of this type are erroneously attributed to the Inca and Pre-Inca civilizations, and it is also erroneously asserted that they were used for ceremonial purposes as well as for surgical operations. As has been mentioned before, the gliptolithic humanity used different materials to leave testimony to their achievements. In addition I will reveal the existence of an anti-rejection hormone and the double transplant of the kidney with the adrenal gland. This double transplant and the use of the anti-rejection hormone constituted procedures that were used in the phase previous to the transplant of organs, with the purpose of preparing the organism of the receptor of the transplant to not reject the new organ.

I would like to issue a warning once more that in the gliptolithic writings not all the figures look exactly like that which they represent: they are symbols and thus are sometimes very different from the physical likeness of the model. With respect to the figurformation about this topic is contained in a series made up of various gliptoliths that I possess, from which I will show only two that illustrate, like all those in the series, two methods of anaesthetization. Given the innumerable gliptoliths that remain to be studied it is possible that the gliptolithic humanity would have known other methods.


In a gliptolith approximately one meter in diameter, of a dark color, with figures that have been engraved using the deep scoring technique, the figures of a woman and two men can be seen (Fig. 36). The predominance of the stomach, the swelling of the breasts and the figure of a child across the lower part of the abdomen indicate that the engraving refers to a woman pregnant with a mature fetus. The transverse position of the fetus and the cutting instrument that one of the men holds over the woman's stomach signify, respectively, that the woman is undergoing a caesarean operation and that the man is a surgeon. The other man's involvement in the surgical operation is revealed, by his action of touching the patient with outstretched hands, signifying that he is also a surgeon. The leaf - a symbol of life - that this surgeon holds in his mouth, and the other leaf that symbolizes the cutting instrument, indicate that the fetus is alive. The leaf that appears above the woman's head indicates that she too is alive. If it is observed that this leaf as well as the band that surrounds the woman's head are filled with diamond shaped figures, we find that this is a symbol of animal life, just as it is indicated in the gliptolithic key. This symbol, applied to a human being, could easily be misinterpreted. However, if we reflect on the characteristics of animal life we find that the animal, unlike the man, is not conscious of many things because it is not able to understand them. This symbol is thus used in regard to the woman to symbolize a temporary state of unconsciousness, and this leads me to affirm that this state is the result of the fact that she is anaesthetized for the caesarean operation. The three needles in the woman's mouth are the instruments with which the anaesthetization has been achieved, and suggest the use of acupuncture. That they are in the woman's mouth is a symbol that the needles have worked on nervous centers found in the cavity of the mouth to anaesthetize her. The presence of needles in the mouth of one of the surgeons simply indicates that he is the one who has anaesthetized her. Observe that this surgeon carries two half-leaves on his head. It is to be remembered that these constitute the first group of the symbolic complex that when carried on the head refer to the scientific and reflective man, and that these two half-leaves are also the symbol of an unknown mechanism that permitted this man to stimulate his powers of knowledge and also to convert solar and cosmic energy directly into electronic energy in order to use it for the running of instruments and appliances. It will also be observed that the surgeon to whom I am referring also has the lines that symbolize the leaf on his arms. This indicates that the surgeon, through the use of the unknown mechanism represented by the half-leaves on the head, is obtaining electronic energy by conversion of solar and cosmic energy, which he is transmitting to the arms to apply to the use of the cutting instrument. This instrument must consequently be an electric scalpel. The squares that fill the cutting instrument are a symbol of human life - as I have mentioned in the key to the gliptoliths - which in this case indicates that this instrument is to play an important role in saving a human life. Finally, the arrow that is observed signaling the lower abdomen of the woman signifies that the incision will be made from this point down, that is, following the technique of the middle infraumbilical lapesarean operation.

Whatever I have described is the first stage of a cesarean operation represented on six gliptoliths. I have omitted the other stages because it was my only interest to show the different ways used to anaesthetize (34).

FIGURE 36: Acupuncture anesthetic in a caesarean operation.


The representation of the caesarean operation has been found in another series of gliptoliths made up of five stones of a dark color. Like the previous series, the figures and symbols have been engraved using the deep scoring method, but one of the elements that makes this a particularly interesting description of a caesarean is the method used to anaesthetize the patient. This method can be seen in a gliptolith approximately eighty centimeters in diameter in the presence of an undulating figure that touches the mouth of the patient (Fig. 37). Observe that the undulating figure has a segment full of rhomboids shapes, symbols of animal life, which in this case signifies (as was explained in the previous section) that the woman is in an unconscious state. This means that she has been anaesthetized. Observe, also, that in the other segment of the undulating figure a figure of small circles has been drawn that looks like small bubbles. We are dealing here with a symbol that signifies a gaseous liquid, from which I deduce that the anesthetic used was a gas, although I ignore its nature. In this gliptolith, as in the previous one, the surgeon uses an electric scalpel. However, the electronic energy that is used to power this instrument that reaches it through contact with the surgeons hands (according to the symbols inscribed on the surgeons arms), has not been obtained through the use of the unknown mechanism represented symbolically by the two half-leaves; the surgeon does not have this symbol. The figure of what seems to be an eel - a fish that is characterized by its ability to let off powerful electric charges - touching the head of the surgeon, I interpret as an external source of electronic energy: from this source cones the energy to power the scalpel. The scene represents an advanced stage of the caesarean operation, for the infant is being extracted from the abdominal cavity. The small human figure that appears below does not signify another infant that has been extracted. Observe the peculiarities of this figure: it has eleven pyramids on its body. I should be remembered that according to the key to the symbols of the gliptoliths the pyramid is a symbol of a complex mechanism for the attraction, accumulation and distribution of energy. The idea of energy that these pyramids on this small human figure suggest may be interpreted as biological human energy. The number of pyramids signifies simply the amount of time that the infant has been accumulating biological energy in the mother's womb, that is, the gestation period. And since there are eleven pyramids, the gestation period has been eleven months (Fig. 36). Thus we are informed that the caesarean operation represented in the gliptolith has taken place to extract a hypermature fetus that has exceeded the normal period of gestation.

FIGURE 37: Gas anesthesia in a caesarean operation.


When the life of a man is in danger because of the malfunctioning of one or more internal organs, then the science of medicine is faced with the problem of bringing the organ back to its normal function. When all resources that may be used to restore the deficient organ had been attempted, contemporary medicine has discovered no recourse but to replace the defective organ. The replacement or transplant of organs (biological therapy), is a recent development in medical science. Only as late as three decades ago were transplant methods beginning to be used. Transplants of the kidney, the heart, liver and lung are made, but the failures that have occurred in the blood and the tissues of the receptor with the donor, and by recurring to certain substances that repress the immunological reactions of the receptor's organism to the presence of a foreign organ. Up to now it has only been able to extend the period before the inevitable rejection of the organ. The transplant in which the rejection has been most success fully postponed is the kidney. The medical literature speaks of several thousands of people that live with transplanted livers and cites the case of some who have lived as long as fifteen years after the transplant.


Based on the reading and interpretation of certain gliptoliths I can affirm that the scientists of the gliptolithic culture solved the problem of the rejection of transplanted organs. In some cases the problem was solved using the blood of a pregnant woman and in others by the additional transplant of the kidneys and the adrenal glands. Both methods were used before the transplant of the organ. The receptor of the organ transplant received the blood of the pregnant woman and the organ to be transplanted was irrigated with the blood of the same woman before the operation took place. This information appears in the figures and symbols of two gliptoliths, in one of which the blood transfusion can be seen and in the other the irrigation of the organ.

In the first case the information is contained in a dark colored gliptolith approximately ninety centimeters in diameter and in which the figures and symbols are engraved using the deep scoring technique. On one of its surfaces a pregnant woman may be seen having blood extracted out of her forearm, at the height of the blood vessels, through an instrument that is connected to what seems to be a container in the shape of a ball (Fig. 38). The presence of small circles inside the container representing bubbles seems to indicate that the blood deposited there was receiving a gas under pressure that is probably oxygen, through the action of a special instrument represented symbolically by a pear-shaped figure situated at the mouth of the ball. The oxygen would be used for the purpose of enriching the blood to be used in the transfusion with this gas, and the pressure would be used for the purpose of facilitating the circulation of the blood. On the other surface of this gliptolith the receiver of the blood transfusion can be observed, judging by the arrow which I understand to indicate the direction of the blood flow (Fig. 39). He is receiving the blood in the forearm at the height of the major vessels. Observe that the receiver of the blood has traced at the level of the ear a segment of parallel lines, which is a symbol of vegetable life (as has been established in the section dealing with the key to the gliptolithic symbols). This I interpret to mean that the individual receiving the blood exists at this point with a minimum of biological potential, that is, he is a vegetable. This idea is further emphasized in the bundle of lines that come out of his mouth, as I understand these to signify that the individual is losing biological energy. In contrast the woman has at the level of the ears a segment full of rhombs-like figures (Fig. 38). These are the symbols of animal life. In relation to vegetable life, animal life has much more biological energy. Consequently, in this case the rhombs-like figures signify the contribution of vital energy that comes from the blood of the pregnant woman. This idea is further emphasized by the leaf - a symbol of life - that is in the lower left of the scene in which the receiving individual is pictured (Fig. 39). The position of the leaf signals that the vital energy cones from the blood of the woman in the previous scene.

FIGURE 38: Blood transfusion from a pregnant woman, - the preliminary stage of an organ transplant - to impede the
rejection of the organ to be transplanted. The scene represents the moment at which blood is extracted from the donor.

FIGURE 39: Blood transfusion from a pregnant woman, to impede rejection of the organ to be
transplanted. The scene shows the moment at which the receiver accepts the blood of the donor.

The irrigation of the organ with blood from the pregnant woman, before being transplanted can be seen in a gliptolith that is dark of about one meter at its widest diameter, whose pictures and symbols have been made by means of a deep drawn line with cut downs of the bottom in order to have pictures and symbols surpassed (Fig. 40). This gliptoliths is part of a series which informs about heart transplant. I only own eight of them. On the gliptoliths there is, as a most noticeable picture, a representation of an anatomical heart connected by two cannulas to a woman's abdomen. The woman's prominent breast reveals us a pregnant woman. The tubes are connected to the heart at the principle blood vessels of this organ: the coronary artery and the veinous gap. The lower extremes of the two tubes seem to me to be connected to the two principle abdominal blood vessels: the aortal artery and the main vein. It seems, then, that a circuit has been established between the heart and the circulatory system of the pregnant woman, for the purpose of irrigating the heart with blood. The use of the woman's blood is only possible if the heart is functioning. Therefore, the heart that we see on the stone must have been extracted from another individual. That it appears with its major veins cut (aortal artery, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary veins) signifies that it is going to be transplanted to another individual. For this purpose it is maintained irrigated by the blood of the woman. Under the arms of one of the surgeons a figure in the shape of a suction instrument can be seen attached to the woman's abdomen. This figure suggests the idea that blood is being extracted from her to be stored. The rhombs shapes on the suction instrument are a symbol of animal life, as has been mentioned. Given that animal life has an energy potential much greater than vegetable life, I think these rhombs indicate that the blood that is being transferred is arterial and not veinous, for it is known that arterial blood contains a high percentage of oxygen and nutritive substances as compared to veinous blood. The use to which this blood is put will be revealed later when the transplant of organs is discussed.

FIGURE 40: Irrigation of a heart with the blood of a pregnant woman
before the transplant, in order to impede the rejection of the organ.

I have stated than the blood of the pregnant woman was used in the phase prior to a transplant with the purpose of avoiding the rejection of the transplanted organ. The lecture and interpretation of the gliptoliths at hand has led me to this conclusion, which surprises me given that contemporary medicine prohibits the donation of blood by pregnant women of embryo. But it is not unscientific to think that with the information presented on these gliptoliths that I have just presented gliptolithic medicine is indicating that an active substance exists in the blood of pregnant women that prevents the rejection of the transplanted organ. I deduce this from the fact that the body of the pregnant woman tolerates the presence of an individual - the fetus - which is the product of a different genetic code from hers that has been transmitted in the chromosomes of the nucleus of the spermatozoids. This tolerance to foreign objects manifests itself from the moment that this strange element enters her body in the form of the spermatozoids. It is known that the body of the women periodically produces an ovule that is deposited in the fallopian tube. If the ovule does not come into contact with the spermatozoid, then it is eliminated days later along with the uterine mucus membrane. The phenomenon of the elimination of this mucus membrane produces a hemorrhage called menstruation. On the other hand, if the ovule unites with the spermatozoid it is fertilized and thus the egg is formed that will attach itself to the uterine mucus membrane to initiate the embryo gestation period. It is also known that when the ovule exist from the ovary, progesterone, the hormone that allows the egg to be admitted and not rejected by the woman's organism, is produced in the intrauterine mucus membrane. The ovary produces progesterone only in the initial phase of the gestation period; afterwards the placenta produces the hormone until the gestation period is over. But the progesterone, both from the ovary or from the placenta, fulfills its function through the blood stream. This leads me to think that it is possible that the scientists of the gliptolithic humanity may have indicated, through the gliptoliths described, that in the blood of a pregnant woman there exists an active substance that prevents a transplanted organ been the methods which gliptolithic medicine used to apply this active substance or unknown hormone to prevent the rejection of the transplanted organ, but rather that they are gross symbols that suggest that this hormone contained in the blood of a pregnant woman had indeed been isolated a was applied artificially to the receiver of the transplant as well as to the organ being transplanted. However, it is still possible that through the simply transfusion and irrigation described the sane goal may have been achieved. And, although it is not expressed in the symbolism, it is not unthinkable that this active substance or unknown anti-rejection hormone may have also been used to prevent abortion.

To avoid the rejection of the transplanted organ, gliptolithic medicine also had access to another method: that of previously transplanting the kidney and its adrenal glands, belonging to the donor of the organ to be transplanted. But, judging by the information on the gliptoliths, this method was mainly used when it was the cerebral hemispheres that were to be transplanted and also when cognitive codes were to be transplanted. Based on the information that has been set down in a gliptolith about the transplant of cognitive codes and on experiments that have been performed by neurophysiologists on animals, I deduce that the cognitive codes would be molecular structures of nucleic acids and proteins, that would constitute the physical basis of knowledge (For transplants of cognitive codes see Chapter VII).

The transplant of the kidney with the adrenal gland (the adrenal gland-kidney complex), appears graphically represented in the first six gliptoliths of a series of eleven that have information concerning the transplant of cerebral hemispheres. All the gliptoliths of this series are dark in color, with a diameter varying between one meter and eighty centimeters and with figures and symbols engraved using the deep score method. In one of them the transplant of the adrenal gland-kidney complex can be seen taking place (Fig. 41). From the other gliptoliths it can be deduces that the individual receiving the transplant is going to have his cerebral hemispheres removed to receive a transplant of a new brain, and is receiving this initial transplant of the adrenal gland-kidney complex from the same donor of the new cerebral hemispheres. The figure appearing above the receiver of the transplant and connected by its most narrow part to the adrenal gland-kidney complex suggests it is an instrument used to keep the organ complex irrigated until the moment of transplant. A group of small squares - a symbol of human life or reflective capacity, as was mentioned when elucidating the key to the gliptolithic symbols - is inscribed on a section between the adrenal gland-kidney complex and the narrowest extreme of the container of blood. This indicates that this is an instrument made by man to connect the container to the artero-veinous system of the adrenal gland-kidney complex; an instrument that will have to be removed when the artero-veinous system of the complex is connected to the corresponding arteries of the individual receiving the transplant. Observe the figure that appears below the receiver of the transplant, connected to him at the height of the "arteria radial" on his arm. Symbolically this represents an artificial kidney, obviously with the purpose of supplying for a brief period the functions of a normal kidney that has been extracted to be replaced by the other.

FIGURE 41: Transplant of the adrenal gland-kidney complex - the preliminary stage of a
transplant of the cerebral hemispheres - to impede the rejection of the transplanted organ.

Contemporary medicine has confirmed that the outside surface of the adrenal gland is essential to life because it excretes hormones that fulfill extremely important functions. One of its hormones stimulates all the cells of the human organism and others neutralize toxins. Since this function of stimulating the cells simply assures that they function normally, it is of my understanding that such a natural phenomenon of the organs not being rejected by men's own body might be possible thanks to this hormone's function. This would explain the fact that gliptolithic surgery had considered as indispensable the brain hemispheres transplant from one human being to another; transplanting previously the kidney with its corresponding suprarenal gland from the same human being to whom the cerebral hemispheres had been extracted. Besides, the fact that gliptolithic surgery had considered this previous transplant only when transplanting cerebral hemispheres, it is also explained by the well known fact that the tissue of the nervous system is the most sensible and thus most prone to be rejected in the case of a transplant. But there are other well known facts from contemporary medicine that could justify the additional transplant of the kidney with its suprarenal gland: namely, the increase in volume of this gland during the beginning of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. I deduce that this increase in volume indicates that the suprarenal gland increases its level of secretion of the hormone that stimulates the cells of an organism, with the purpose of not only enhancing the acceptance of foreign cells (the spermatozoid and its corresponding genetic code), but also during pregnancy of enhancing the acceptance of a foreign organism, the fetus, a product of two different genetic codes. The inclusion of the kidney in this transplanted is justified not only by the fact that it is the organ in charge of eliminating the final products of the metabolic process, (toxics and waste materials), but also because of all the organs that are transplanted today, the kidney is the one that responds most favorably. This fact, and the fact that the suprarenal gland excretes antitoxic hormones, permits us to understand why gliptolithic medicine considered these two organs as an inseparable complex: they both complement each other in their respective functions.

Some of the biggest challenges facing contemporary medicine come from autoimmunological illnesses such as glomerulo-nefritis, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatism, sclerodermia, etc. It is well know that when a foreign object (an antigen) enters into an organism, the organism defends itself by producing contrary elements (antibodies). This is called an immunological reaction and the body reacts in this way to a multitude of antigens. But for reasons as yet unknown to contemporary medicine there are cases in which an organ, acting as a foreign element within the organism, produces antigens and thus forcing the organism to produce respective antibodies to protect itself. It is said then that the person who has such an organ is suffering from an autoimmunological illness. The antibodies produced by the organism act against the organ to nullify the source of the antigens. This struggle between antigens and antibodies will continue until the organ is left non-functioning, and if it is an essential organ it will put in danger the life of this person. If it is taken into account that the outside surface of the suprarenal gland excretes hormones that stimulate the cells of the whole organism, and that this stimulus simply makes sure that the cells are working normally, I think that the cause of immunological illnesses could well be the malfunctioning of the adrenal gland-kidney complex. If this deduction is correct, then the therapy for autoimmunological illnesses would be the transplant of the adrenal gland-kidney complex, along with the possibility that new hormones nay be discovered in this complex that have the same results.



(34) The Cesarean Operation and other surgical practices performed by the gliptolithical humanity which are not explained in this book, will be described in a new book that is being prepared by the author.