
The words of Dr. Cabrera


A visit with Dr. Cabrera


(this material is an excerpt from the book "The Message of the Stones", by Dr. Javier Cabrera)





I possess a series of gliptoliths that have engraved upon them seas and continents of the hemispheres of a planet. In each gliptolith a hemisphere is represented. These gliptoliths are approximately seventy centimeters in diameter, dark in color and engraved with the deep scoring technique in relief.

The engravings represent observations of a planet from a great height, etched on these stone documents to show a peculiar set of continents that do not correspond to the shape of the continents on our planet (Figs. 59 and 60).

FIGURE 59: First Terrestrial Hemisphere: An engraved stone that reveals the position and shape that the continents had in one of the hemispheres of our
planet in the remote past in which the gliptolithic humanity existed. A: North America. C: South America. B: The Continent of Mu. D: The Continent of Atlantis.

FIGURE 60: Second Terrestrial Hemisphere: Another engraved stone that reveals the position and form of the continents in the other hemisphere
of our planet in the distant past in which the gliptolithic humanity existed. G: The Continent of Lemuria. E' : Anterior Asia. E" Australia. F: Africa.

On the surface of the first hemisphere four major masses can be seen, and on the second, three. All these masses are suggestive of solid surfaces or continents, differentiated from the zones that lie between the masses and that obviously represent seas. It can be estimated that the continental masses make up approximately 80 percent of the surface of the hemispheres while the remaining 20 percent is made up of seas. It is thus understood that there are four parts of land to every one of water. There are no symbols representing water in its solid state (ice), and therefore there seem to be no icecaps on these hemispheres. Around the group of continents and seas a large belt of undulating lines can be seen. If the relative scarcity of water in relation to the continental masses is considered, it is understood that an intense evaporation of the seas has taken place and that the belt of undulating lines is simply a representation of the accumulation of water vapor in the atmosphere. If, on the other hand, some canals of undulating lines are observed connected to the atmosphere and stretching over the seas (2 in Figs. 59 and 60), it can be deduced that these canals indicate that the evaporation continues and that the vapor keeps ascending into the atmosphere where it accumulates.

Given the gigantic proportions of the covering of water vapor in the atmosphere it seems plausible to deduce that the planet that is being shown was passing through a stage of intense thermic energy. As is obvious, a huge cap of vapor presupposes the concentration of a large amount of energy in it. According to what I have found in the system of symbols used in the gliptolithic massages, the energy to which I have referred is represented in this stone by the undulating lines that can be observed in the atmosphere. The network of canals that are connected to the atmosphere and that stretch out over the seas acquire additional significance when this is realized: part of the energy that exists in the atmosphere in being channeled toward the continents through the canals. Finally, if it is observed that the pyramids - symbols of a system for capturing, accumulating and distributing energy - have their bases oriented towards the atmosphere and their vertices pointing towards the continents (3 in Figs. 59 and 60), it is certain that they are indicating that part of the energy of the atmosphere is being captured in a complex technological system, for specified uses.

All this signifies that the planet represented by these two hemispheres is in critical condition because of the progressive accumulation of the aforementioned calorific energy. These critical circumstances suggest that a cataclysmic event is imminent.

Having discussed the general situation of the planet represented on these two stones, I will explain the symbols that appear in each major block of each of the hemispheres.


Block A. This block (Fig. 61) presents a mass divided into fifteen compartments, among which two can be seen that contain natural vegetation {represented by parallel lines), and one with animals raised by man (represented by small rhomb-like figures enclosed in a circle). There is no sign of human life. There are pyramids, symbols of the use of energy in this part of the continent; these appear between two electrical power stations (represented by stars), that are in the middle part of the block.

FIGURE 61 Block A: North America, a detail of the first terrestrial hemisphere.

Block B. This block (Fig. 62) is divided into nine compartments, the majority of which correspond to desert zones. There are two compartments filled with natural vegetation (symbolized by parallel lines on the ground) and two compartments filled with animals raised by man (represented by the rhomb-like figures enclosed in circles). Notable in this block is an anthropomorphic figure (5 in Fig. 62). The absence of symbols on his head that indicate cognitive capacity, and the presence of parallel lines on the body, a symbol of cognitive capacity that is given and controlled by another, reveal that this is a robot. In this block the existence of a robot must be interpreted to signify the existence of intellectual activity performed by a group of robots. The ground is crossed longitudinally by a canal, a symbol of the movement of energy that is being liberated from the atmosphere. This liberated energy is being controlled permanently by the robots, as is indicated symbolically by the contact that the nose of the robot makes with the canal. There are pyramids - symbols of the use of energy - on this part of the continent very close to the zone controlled by the robots. It is obvious that in this block there is an attitude of hope attributed to the robots for the critical situation of the energy that is being produced on the planet.

FIGURE 62 Block B: The continent of Mu, detail from the first terrestrial hemisphere.

Block C. In this block (Fig. 63) the singular presence of the cognitive and scientific individual (6 in Fig. 63) with the symbol for cognitive thought on his head can be seen. The size of this figure indicates that there is a formidable concentration of cognitive and scientific men that lived in this vast region that constituted the Megapolis (37). The Megapolis is represented in the block by the square around the head of the human figure, isolating it in this way from the other compartments of the block. Around the Megapolis there are extensive zones of vegetation cultivated by man (represented by the parallel lines inside a cube), which suggests the existence of agriculture and the enrichment of the atmosphere with oxygen. There are no symbols for the existence of animal life. There are three electric power stations (represented by stars) some distance from the Megapolis. The block is divided into thirteen compartments and has, as a symbol for the fact that energy is being liberated from the atmosphere, a long canal similar to the one in Block B, being connected, however, to the network of canals that stretches out over the sea of the hemisphere.

FIGURE 63 Block C: South America, detail from the first terrestrial hemisphere.

Block D. The territory in this block (Fig. 64) is divided into ten compartments. Unfortunately, many of the symbols of those closets to the edge of the gliptolith have been erased. Nevertheless, it can be observed that this is a territory with abundant natural and cultivated vegetation, judging by the zones of parallel lines that are free and the parallel lines enclosed in squares respectively. In addition, there are symbols that reveal zones populated by animals raised by man, and specifically, the head and neck of an animal can be seen, the "alticamellus" (38). Two energy stations can be clearly distinguished, symbolized by stars, one of which is very close to a mountainous region and is connected to two canals that conduct energy from the atmosphere. The dominant figure in the gliptolith is that of an anthropomorphic figure (7 in Fig. 64). Judging by the absence of symbols on its head it can be deduced to be a humanoid (notharctus with a minimum intellectual capacity, with which he cannot yet realize that the reason for his existence is to increase and conserve knowledge). By the size of this anthropomorphic figure it can be deduced that this is a group of humanoids.

FIGURE 64: Block D: The continent of Atlantis, a detail of the first terrestrial hemisphere.


Block E. This represents the largest of all the blocks. Its central section is so narrow that the block seems to be made up of two sub-blocks unified by a bridge. For this reason we will divide it into two sections: sub-block E' and sub-block E".

Sub-block E’. This is formed by eight compartments (Fig. 65). In one of these there appears a house (8 in Fig. 65). The rhomb-shape figures that can be seen in the window are a symbol of animal life, and the parallel lines and vertices of the roof are symbols of cognitive codes used for training of technical knowledge. All this indicates that this is the house where the notharctus receive the minimum of intellectual capacity and are raised to the level of humanoids, which allows them to carry on menial tasks and very specific technical tasks. In this block a mountain system can be seen close to an energy station (represented by a star). Two large pyramids can be seen, symbol of a technological energy complex. Close to the figure of the house there is a tree between two pyramids, a symbol for the fact that industrial factories exist here. The alticamellus can also be seen, as in Block D, whose complete body signifies - as distinct from Block C where only the head appeared- the rearing of these animals. The flat circle full of rhomb-shaped figures that appears in one of the lower compartments symbolizes the rearing of animals. In this whole block the impression is of intense human farming and ranching activity.

FIGURE 65: Sub-block E': Anterior Asia, detail from the second terrestrial hemisphere.

Sub-block E". In this block there are five compartments (Fig. 66), in one of which an anthropomorphic figure can be seen (9 in Fig. 66). The vertical parallel lines that cover him below the head signify that it has acquired a minimum of technical knowledge, characteristic of a humanoid (remember the same lines appearing on the roof of the house of Sub-block E’). However, the presence of two leaves in between which this figure stands - the first of which appears without nervation - expresses that this humanoid is being elevated to a higher cognitive rank of a technological type. This therefore is no longer a humanoid, but rather an anthropomorphic being that is being led to the level of cognizance immediately superior to his own, that can be no other than a technological man, conscious therefore of the reason for his existence. The nearby figure of a bird allows us to infer the existence of installations for aerial transport. The trees and the rhomb-shaped figures inside a circle allow us to infer the existence of zones of vegetable farming and animal raising. Two sources of water are found (represented by small spaces enclosed by a winding line) and an energy station (represented by the figure of a star).

FIGURE 66: Sub-block E": Australia, detail from the second terrestrial hemisphere.

Block F. This block contains nine compartments (Fig. 67). In the superior part of the block, symbols that refer to a flying apparatus (bird) can be seen, probably used for the transport of animal feed, as well as a symbol of land transportation (the alticamellus, that is found between two trees) to transport vegetable products. Associated to these symbols are the figures of two leaves that represent nutritive elements for human life. We are dealing, then, in this superior part of the block, with a symbolic complex that reveals the activity of transporting food for human consumption. In one of the compartments there is an anthropomorphic figure (10 in Fig. 67), that ports on his head a symbol of high intellectual and cognitive rank. Observe the two pyramids - symbols of the technological complex used to capturing, accumulate and distribute energy - that appear above the anthropomorphic figure. This, in addition to the fact that the figure seems to be wielding some sort of instrument, should be understood to mean that this individual is in charge of a complex energy system, which requires high intellectual capacity. We have here, then a different type of man from the simply technological man: a reflective technological man. Close to the two pyramids there is a chain of small pyramids. Above this chain there is a star, symbol of the existence of an energy station. Under the chain of pyramids there are two concentric circles, symbol of a spacecraft. Its proximity to the chain of pyramids implies the presence in the zone of a "spaceport" (space center). In the section immediately below the intellectual technological man appears the symbol for vegetable life controlled by man (parallel lines enclosed in a circle). The whole section below the previous one has symbols of wild animals (represented by rhomb-like figures that fill up the whole section). Two large new pyramids that touch the above mentioned compartments indicate that the agriculture and animal raising involved is to be used in industry of some kind.

FIGURE 67: Block F: Africa, detail of the second terrestrial hemisphere.

Block G. This is the smallest block of all (Fig. 68). It consists of four compartments, in one of which the figure of a notharctus can be seen in its natural state (12 in Fig. 68), that is, without the minimum of intellectual ability. The notharctus touches a leaf full of small squares, a symbol, in this case, of intellectual capacity and human rank. This can be interpreted to mean that the notharctus is approaching the intellectual capacity necessary to become a human. The symbol that appears in the next compartment and that consists of two concentric circles (11 in Fig. 68) represents a spacecraft, whose trajectory is the semicircular line that partially surrounds the spacecraft and then begins to undulate. I think the spacecraft is related to the symbol of intellectual and cognitive capacity that the notharctus is touching. These are the gliptolithic men who arrived from the cosmos to the planet with the purpose of transferring to the notharctus a cognitive ability that would make him human. The figure of a house that can be seen in another contiguous block (13 in Fig. 68), that has parallel lines that can be interpreted as signifying learning or knowledge in general, is a symbol that is also related to the cognitive energy which the notharctus is getting close to achieving. The fact that it is a house without doors or windows should be interpreted to signify that the actions of the life of the notharctus will be completely different from the moment at which he is elevated to the cognitive rank by the gliptolithic men, and that consequently the new acts of his life will be governed by human knowledge. Thus he will forever leave his condition as a primate. In the upper compartment there are two large pyramids associated with a symbol whose significance I have mentioned when I dealt with the leaf as a symbol of life. I refer to a type of tree whose branches are associated with a central axis. This symbol indicates, as has been mentioned before, the presence of a group of men. Associated with the group of pyramids that indicate the presence of energy in general, it indicates definitively that human knowledge has been established on the planet. The figure in the shape of a cloud that appears above the notharctus I understand as signaling that the knowledge given the notharctus comes from the cosmos. Finally, the drawing of the star that appears in the compartment below the notharctus and that as has been mentioned is the symbol of an energy station, would seem to indicate that the cognitive energy come from the cosmos will be centered in this continental block of the planet.

FIGURE 68: Block G: The continent of Lemuria, detail of the second terrestrial hemisphere.


The information provided by the hemispheres of the planet represented in the two gliptoliths that have been described and interpreted, reveals the existence of a planet inhabited by man and a critical situation which that planet was experiencing.

The representation of the characteristics of the surface of the planet presupposes the fact that the men that inhabited it dominated space, for were it otherwise they would not have been able to view the group of continents which they have drawn in such detail on the two gliptoliths. Some symbols confirm that these men had dominated space flight. These are symbols referring to spacecraft, "space-ports", the arrival of the gliptolithic men from the cosmos and the representation of the continental blocks and seas and the atmosphere.

These gliptoliths indicate that human knowledge came from the cosmos, brought by the gliptolithic men with the purpose of giving it to beings biologically more fit for it than they were. The notharctus was the animal chosen for the reception of this knowledge, and startup with it a hierarchy of intelligent creatures was created, in which each creature received a cognitive level in accordance with its function on the planet. The gliptolithic men were thus eminently knowledgeable men that needed men to survive in this planetary habitat that were elevated to certain cognitive levels in order to allow them to perform menial, technical or scientific tasks. According to the information on the two gliptoliths whose symbols have just been analyzed, the following hierarchy of intelligent human beings existed upon this planet, in order from the beings of highest cognitive abilities.

1. Gliptolithic Man. The men who came from the cosmos carrying with them knowledge. As will be seen in this chapter, this is the Energyman and is therefore capable of allowing his cognitive energy to transcend his body without his body dying. This is done to project himself as cognitive energy to any part of the cosmos and to acquire knowledge of the universe. In these and other gliptoliths he is found symbolically represented with the same characteristics as the intelligent and scientific man.

2. Reflective and Scientific Man. This is the man that lived in the Megapolis. He took on functions that required a high reflective capacity. He directed the execution of planned activities of the Gliptolithic men for the best development of life on the planet. He carried out scientific work on different aspects of human knowledge, for example, high level surgery and cosmic observation (astronomy).

3. Reflective Technological Man. This is the man who had a higher level of knowledge than the Technological Man. He had as his responsibility the control and operation of all technological operations. He carried out such tasks as piloting spacecraft, assisting in operations of high level surgery, directing the functioning of industry and systems for the distribution and use of energy resources.

4. Technological Man. This is the man at the raid level of command of technological abilities. He assisted the intelligent and scientific man and transmitted the orders directly to the immediate executor of the actions.

5. Humanoid. This was the notharctus elevated to a middle level of intelligence. He performed menial and technical tasks. He was not conscious of the reason for his existence.

Under the humanoid was the notharctus in his natural state, who had not received the minimum rank of human intellect. His intellectual status was that of an animal, but not that of any animal, because in the zoological hierarchy it was he that had the optimum qualities to be elevated to the first level of human intellect. Finally, there was the robot, a cybernetic system used exclusively for mechanical work that was dangerous to human beings.

I understand that for the gliptolithic men to be able to raise the notharctus to the cognitive level of a humanoid it was necessary for them first to prepare it organically for the increase in knowledge and then pass on to it the required knowledge. Based on other messages left by the gliptolithic humanity, it is my impression that they achieved this by altering genetically the organism of the notharctus, which I assume resulted in the elimination of the tail and the consequent abandoning of tree-life. The transmission of knowledge was also done genetically, intervening in the molecular makeup of the notharctus' brain. In both cases the gliptolithic men used complex neurophysical techniques. Through the transplant of new cognitive codes the rest of the types of men on the cognitive hierarchy were able to exist.

    The individuals on this planet, being generated from a common biological source - the notharctus - all had similar physiological characteristics. And being born of another common factor among these men - the knowledge - it should then be understood that these men were only different in the level of intellectual achievement they had reached. Therefore, the individual differences based on other factors such as exist in contemporary culture did not exist. What is now known as personality did not exist; what existed was the collective personality, that is, the union of all individuals that were on the same intellectual level in the hierarchy.

    Thus it is understood that the civilization on this planet had as its goal to reach higher levels of knowledge, and it is to be supposed that all the acts of the lives of these men ware devoted to increasing and conserving knowledge.



(37) I use the word Megapolis for the big gatherings of reflexive and scientific human beings. It is of my understanding that these men used to live in the Megapolis with different kinds of men dedicated to the various activities related to the life in the planet.

(38) The alticamellus was a mammiferous that lived, according to Paleontology, 13 billion years ago in the Tertiary period. It is the equivalent to the present camel from the desert. They were adapted to high temperatures with restricted hydrological resources. The alticamellus on the stone shows us – graphically - the thermo-critical situation shown by the planet. The average temperature had been increased up to such a point that zoological life was only possible for conditioned species.

(39) Confront "El origen de los primeros seres humanos". In Cuentos, mitos y leyendas del antiguo Peru. Compiled by Jose Maria Arguedas and Francisco Izquierdo Rios. Ministerio de Educacion (Board of Education) Lima, 1947.